We are all creating our planetary story. In practice, it is our intention to:

  • Avoid as much as possible giving our money to multinational corporations. We trust only those who we can meet, feel, talk to, and resonate with… and we can’t do any of that with big corporations, which is why we will give them as little of our attention and energy (and money) as possible.

  • Become as soon as possible self-sufficient with our water and energy production. The technologies are there, and our very strong will to be independent as well!

  • Work, support, and promote local producers and small likeminded businesses. We will be using mostly organic ingredients and eco-friendly detergents mainly produced by people we personally know on the island (or in our communities of origin). Sorry, but in our place ultimately you will not find products such as Cocacola or kleenex or Cheerios, or….

  • Reduce our waste to a minimum. Our planet teaches us that nothing is waste, everything can be transformed into new life, which is why we commit to reduce, reuse, recycle (and upcycle) in every aspect of our work.

What we do and what we create around us is tightly connected to our core beliefs…so, let’s start from there.

We believe that everything is energy, and we are always receiving the same energy we are sending out into the world, and from the same direction! Therefore, to create the best environment for ourselves, we make sure we invest our best energies in the best directions. 

We believe that also money is energy, therefore we need to invest it in directions that we know will contribute to the paradise we all deserve to live in. This is the reason why, in every aspect of La Curandera, we have decided to invest in our local community, in its people, and in its products (or the products that come from small conscious producers from our communities of origin). 

We know that together, in full respect and love for our planet and its cycles, we can have a thriving existence in harmony with each other and with all the creatures who live on it. 

We will tell the story of everybody that has contributed to the whole, from the kind soul who takes care of our chickens to the fabulous artists that used their magic to upcycle our bedrooms and everyone in between. We believe everyone has a beautiful inspiring story to share, and we are here to share it and encourage our guests to add their story to ours.


We believe rubbish exists only when there is a lack of vision and creativity.

What is garbage to me, might be a precious element for the art piece created by someone else.

Now more than ever, we believe in the importance of freeing ourselves

from old unnecessary baggage and clutter, and transforming the “old,

broken and ugly” clutter into “inspiring, uplifting and useful” art.